"She Had Rose Bud Lips and a Baby on Her Hips"


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Friday, October 21, 2011


OH I am just about ready to pee my pants over my Christmas gift idea! I want so badly to share it but I don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone in my family if they read this! I will be so happy to tell you about it after Christmas, and to explain how it all came about. It's actually something I've been wanting to do for several years but either waited too long or chickened out. It's kind of morbid sounding but I think wonderfully unique. Few people know about this idea and know that they are sworn to secrecy  about it.  I just hope I can get it all done, it will be an emotionally trying thing for me. Oh I can't wait for Christmas! 

I've been thinking lately that I should probably state in some sorts that I am a Christian and therefore you could technically categorize this blog as a Christian one too. But that just kind of makes my stomach churn. I guess I just feel more that I am just a girl, loving Jesus, trying to live life with his discernment. I have a deep abiding relationship with him and he is a part of everything in my life, big, small and everything in between. Because of this, he is probably going to have something to do with everything I write about. Simply because, he anchors me, he roots me.

I am so far from perfect, let's make that clear straight away! I think probably a lot of what I write about will be from the mistakes I have made/make and what I am learning from them.  If the thought of God of religion turns you off, I hope you'll still tune in and maybe get a more true glance of what it looks like to know God or maybe in the least a different perspective. I hope to eventually turn this into a community of sorts, with the likes of sharing our struggles, things learned, triumphs and even friendship. I follow Beth Moore's blog and she does a thing called "Talk Tuesdays." I'd like to get to the point of doing something similar. If you have any ideas or suggestions I'd love to hear it! Maybe we can all in some way do life together. Too corny?? Get used to it! Grin. :)

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

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